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Snail Speeds Story

Snail Speed Details Veloster N

How We Got Started

Snail Speed Detail is a locally owned automotive detailing business in Bend, OR. I have been working on and detailing vehicles ever since I got my first car at the age of 16 (8 years ago). From there it exploded into my passion and hobby. With an urge to modify everything and keep it in the utmost pristine condition, I learned over the years how to care, maintain, and upgrade vehicles. As the years went on, I found myself involved in our local car community. Going to every event and show possible, and with the repetition, my reputation began to grow. I was becoming known for some of the cleanest vehicles around town. Friends and others started to ask me to clean their vehicles and as it caught on, the idea was brought to me that I should open my own detail business. Then, not without a lot of local and personal support, Snail Speed Detail was created. 

Snail Speed Details Mustang
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